

    437必赢会员中心网页版 英语语言文化学院

英美文化系 系列讲座(五)


时间: 2018年5月24日(周四),19:00-21:00



摘要:从当代思辨理论的视角看,19世纪尼采哲学的出现是思想史上的一个转折点。讲座以解读《悲剧的诞生》为切入点解读尼采对现代思想史的影响。 尼采的第一本书《悲剧的诞生》不仅是文学史上的文本,更是思想史上的重要文本。他对希腊悲剧精神的解读(以肯定酒神大生命观为要点)纠正了现代对悲剧的理解(以悲惨和苦难为定义)。讲座进而阐释尼采的美学理论,以说明为什么尼采代表了西方哲学传统的转折点。

437必赢会员中心网页版 英语语言文化学院

英美文化系 系列讲座(六)

Title:History in Fiction: Reading “Rip van Winkle” in Contexts

Time:15:00-17:00,May 25(Friday),2018.

Venue:Rm 412, Teaching Building 7, North Campus

Lecture Language: English

Abstract: With Washington Irving’s “Rip Van Winkle” as a case in point, this lecture explores theoretical issues related to the role of fiction in history. Tracing a trajectory from antiquity to New Historicism (inclusive of Aristotle, Philip Sidney, Hayden White, Michel Foucault and others) while reviewing how fiction and history are interconnected in the history of critical theory, the lecture then proceeds to provide an analysis of Irving’s multi-layered narrative design and the tale proper as a way to consider how fiction (poetry) is an integral part of historical representation. The narrative design, mixing legendary temporality with historical temporality, already presents a multicultural tapestry that is at the foundation of American nation-formation. The tale proper, analyzed in three parts, further reveals layers of meaning related to cultural, social and political histories in the United States. The final part of the lecture explores how “Rip” has become a template for American literary imagination and how it has been intertextualized into American literary history in ways that both inspire admiration and provoke contestation.


童明(本名刘军;英语:Toming Liu),美国马萨诸塞大学英美文学博士,中国翻译协会第七届理事会理事,现任西安外国语大学西外学者特聘教授,博士生导师;加州州立大学洛杉矶校区英语系终身教授且系本校杰出教授(University Outstanding Professor)。研究领域涉及西方文论、美国文学、19世纪和20世纪欧洲文学,现代性研究、飞散文化和文学、东西比较、语言和文化翻译。英语论文发表于美国的现代语言学会(MLA)、耶鲁大学、英语教师全国委员会(NCTE)、G. K. Hall、Greenwood,《现代中国文学和文化》期刊、《东西方思想》期刊等学术机构和出版社的书籍和刊物。同时,童明是已故艺术家木心的朋友,也是目前木心作品英语版的第一译者。

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