为了使我校教师能更好地适应时代的变化发展,进一步提升我校外语教师在多媒体时代进行多元识读的能力,促进教学和科研水平的提升,增进与境内外同行的学术交流和科研合作。受国际交流处资助,以第二届广外-香港理工多元识读论坛举办为契机,教师发展中心邀请到四位多元识读海外专家:Mary Kalantzis(新伦敦小组成员、美国伊利诺伊州大学香槟分校教育学院院长)、Bill Cope (新伦敦小组成员、美国伊利诺伊州大学香槟分校教育政策研究院教授)、Len Unsworth(澳大利亚天主教大学教授)、Mark Evan Nelson(日本神田外语大学英语语言研究中心主任)前来讲学,举办多元识读工作坊,具体安排如下:
时间 |
主讲人 |
主题 |
地点 |
备注 |
5月18日 (星期一) 15:30-17:30 |
Mark Nelson |
Exploring Synaesthesia in Language Learning, Teaching and Research |
北校区 云山A座105 (教师发展中心多功能会议室) |
5月19日 (星期二) 20:00 – 21:30 |
Mary Kalantzis and Bill Cope |
Learning design and delivery in digitally-mediated environments |
海外名师第十八期 |
5月21日 (星期四) 14:00-16:00 |
Len Unsworth |
Systemic Functional Semiotic Perspectives on Intersemiosis: Exploring Image-Language Relations in Paper and Static Digital Media Texts |
ExploringSynaesthesia in Language Learning, Teaching and Research
In this seminar, MarkEvan Nelson discusses a core concern of virtually all of his research to date:the semiotic process of ‘synaesthesia’ and its relevance to language andliteracy learning and teaching, especially where so-called ‘new media’ areinvolved. Synaesthesia is most commonly, clinically defined as “occurring whenstimulation of one sensory modality automatically triggers a perception in asecond modality, in the absence of any direct stimulation to this secondmodality” (Harrison & Baron-Cohen, 1997: p. 3). Such capacities and phenomenahave been reported, and also contested, for centuries, notably with regard towriters, artists, and their works. The painter Kandinsky, for instance, ispurported to have been able to hear color and see sound, which, for him, wereexperiential catalysts to new forms of creativity and transformations inmeaning, representation, and understanding. Positing similarly generative,transformative potentials of making meaning within and across different modesof representation and communication, linguist and scholar of education GuntherKress (2003, p. 36) also recruited the term, asserting that “it is in the realmof synaesthesia … that much of what we regard as creativity happens." Thistheoretical work of Kress and like-minded others suggests a vitally importantline of language and literacies research, which is little explored andunderstood as yet. In this interactive presentation, Mark demonstrates theconcept and implications of synaesthesia with reference to his own research ininternational teaching and learning contexts and argues for the priority ofsuch research in developing more helpful understandings of language pedagogy,new media communication, and learning at large.
Systemic FunctionalSemiotic Perspectives on Intersemiosis: Exploring Image-Language Relations inPaper and Static Digital Media Texts
The nature of theinteractive meaning making-making resources of images and language inmulti-semiotic paper and digital media texts remains a challenge forresearchers in multimodality and multiliteracies education. This presentationre-examines different approaches being taken with systemic-functionalsemiotics. In particular, it contrasts approaches based on analogizing fromsystemic functional grammar and discourse (Martinec,2013; Martinec & Salway, 2005; Royce, 2007; Unsworth, 2008),which seem to be predicated on images and language being regarded as unitaryhybrid meaning making system, with more recent proposals arguing that relationsbetween modalities of meaning should be treated differently from relationswithin modalities. This means that rather than seeing images ascohesively or logico-semantically related to language, the coupling relation isseen as a logogenetic synergy – ‘a dynamic conversation rather than a monologicexpansion’ (Painter& Martin, 2011). As well as providing a criticalexamination of the existing literature the presentation will explore key issuesthrough sample analyses of school curriculum area texts and picturebooks. Implications will be drawn for developing multimodal discourseanalysis and also for
Mark NELSONis Associate Professor and Director of Research in the English LanguageInstitute of Kanda University of International Studies in Japan. Previously hehad held academic posts in language and literacy teacher education at DeakinUniversity in Australia and the National Institute of Education in Singapore.Mark received hisPhD in Education in Language, Literacy and Culture from theUniversity of California, Berkeley, and his research is chiefly concerned withunderstanding the semiotic, sociocultural, and pedagogical implications ofmultimodal communication, particularly across geographic and culturalboundaries and viadigital media technologies and texts.
Mary KALANTZISis Dean of the College of Education at the University of Illinois,Urbana-Champaign. She was formerly Dean of the Faculty of Education, LanguageandCommunity Services at RMIT University in Melbourne, Australia, and Presidentofthe Australian Council of Deans of Education. With Bill Cope, she isco-authorof New Learning: Elements of a Science of Education, CambridgeUniversityPress, 2008/2nd edition 2012 and Literacies, CambridgeUniversity Press, 2012; and co-editor of Ubiquitous Learning, University ofIllinois Press, 2009.
Bill COPE isa Professor in the Department of Educational Policy Studies at the Universityof Illinois. He is co-author or co-editor of The Future of the AcademicJournal,(with Angus Phillips, eds) Elsevier, Oxford, 2nd edition 2014; andTowards a Semantic Web: Connecting Knowledge in Academic Research, (withKalantzis and Magee), Elsevier, Oxford, 2011. He has led the development of theinnovative web writing and semantic publishing environment, Scholar, with thesupport of R&D grants from the Institute of Educational Sciences in the USDepartment of Education and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.
Len UNSWORTH isProfessor in English and Literacies Education at the Australian CatholicUniversity in Sydney, Australia. Len’s research is in primary andsecondaryschool English and multiliteracies education. His book publications includeTeaching Multiliteracies Across the Curriculum (Open University Press)and [withAngela Thomas, Alyson Simpson and Jenny Asha] Teaching children’s literaturewith Information and Communication Technologies(McGraw-Hill/Open UniversityPress 2005), e-literature for children and classroom literacy learning(Routledge, 2006), New Literacies and the English Curriculum (Continuum, 2008),Multimodal Semiotics (Continuum, 2008) and, with Clare Painter and Jim Martin,Reading Visual Narratives (Equinox, 2013).